Hello every body welcome to another python tutorial, in this tutorial lets see what are variables in python
so basic way of creating a variable in python is first declare name of variable and then assign value in it.
There are some rules while naming variable that are following
A variable can have a short name (like x and y) or a more descriptive name (name, object1 , total_volume).
Rules for Python variables:
- A variable name must start with a letter or the underscore character
- A variable name cannot start with a number
- A variable name can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and _ )
- Variable names are case-sensitive (age, Age and AGE are three different variables)
#Legal variable names:
myvariable = "usman"
my_variable = "usman"
_my_variable = "usman"
myVariable = "usman"
MYVARIABLE = "usman"
myvariable2 = "usman"
#Illegal variable names:
2myvariable = "usman"
my-variable = "usman"
my variable = "usman"
Types of variables
There are many types of variables
- int : Integer values or whole number
- float : Decimal values
- str : any thing inside "" or ' '
- boolen : either True or False
Now using variables, Lets create simple basic python program
Following program will add two variable values a and b.
a = 13
b = 2
result = a+b
print(f"Answer is = {result}")
Following program will subtract two variable values a and b.
a = 13
b = 2
result = a-b
print(f"Answer is = {result}")
Following program will multiply two variable values a and b.
a = 13
b = 2
result = a*b
print(f"Answer is = {result}")
Following program will divide two variable values a and b.
a = 13
b = 2
result = a/b
print(f"Answer is = {result}")
Following program will divide two variable values a and b ignoring decimal part.
a = 13
b = 2
result = a//b
print(f"Answer is = {result}")
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Complete Series
- Website Introduction, future plans and How to install python in your windows machine
Variables in python
- Lists Tuples and Dictionaries in python (Datastructures)
- Python 3 Introduction to loops,try except block and functions
- Python 3 loops and functions in details
- PIP and introduction to python essential packages
- Introduction to file handling in python